Underground Tree Studios strives to give back and teach as we grow. In doing that we offer an intern position for aspiring artists,

creatives and/or those who wish to assist with the creative arts. UTS has hosted 3 interns to date.

Lexie Lafoya is earning a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing at the University of Tulsa. She is motivated and excited to help push Underground Tree Studios towards success. Lexie anticipates the “meaningful work that benefits the community, first hand engagement with artwork and the excitement of helping an artist succeed during a time of growth and renewal”. Underground Tree Studios welcomes Lexie on board for the Spring semester!

Reflections #1 by Lexie Lafoya:

In higher education, only so much is taught to students interested in a creative entrepreneurial career. That’s why having students work with artistic entrepreneurs like Dawn Tree helps with their preparation for running their own business of passion. By doing this, they learn how to promote their business and collaborate with fine arts organizations. For example, by having the student present during meetings of collaboration, they witness how artists and art enthusiasts brainstorm and negotiate ideas and scheduling for events. Dawn Tree teaches by example with her preparation, established goals, and flexibility to compromise while setting boundaries.

During a meeting, Tree approaches inquiries of scheduling with a record of dates that work well for herself while also being mindful of other public events that have been scheduled in the near future. This helps establish that there is no overlap with other activities while also preventing an overbearing load on the artist. When it comes to collaborating with art institutions, Dawn Tree emphasizes the importance of compatibility and shared focus. Tree tries to work with institutions with preference for abstract art and nature, which reflect her own professional interests. If she tried to collaborate with an art institution that favored technology and sculptures, collaboration wouldn’t be as successful. Consequently, a hands-on learning environment teaches the student skills that otherwise wouldn’t be easily taught in a classroom environment. Then, when the student graduates, they can apply these skills to their path to forming their own creative business.